The Realm of the Verbal Processor

Jarvis's Ramblings

Task Sequence Not Downloading Updates

I have seen issues over time where during a Task Sequence…and many times specifically in the Build and Capture task sequence…where updates would fail to download. The symptom is that the Task Sequence appears to simply hang at the download updates step. The percent complete that it hangs at varies.  I looked through several logs and found a correlation that ended up pointing to a 401.2 HTTP Error Code. When I dug into the package that it was trying to download the content from…it ended up being an obsolete SW Updates Package that was no longer being used (ABC12345 in the logs below). I deleted that package, restarted the task sequence, and it installed updates without a problem. I honestly don’t know if it was a corruption in the package, or if there was some superseded/expired/etc updates that it wasn’t liking. Not sure exactly what the issue is…but deleting the package that I wasn’t using anyway appeared to resolve the issue.

The logs I looked at to find the correlation were:


Installing all updates targetted for this computer

Installation of updates started

Waiting for installation job to complete

Waiting for job status notification …


Starting download on action (INSTALL) for Update (…)


FileCopyJob {…} encountered error while retrieving file info (0x80070005).


[CCMHTTP] HTTP ERROR: URL=<http_ConfigMgrServer:Port</SMS_DP_SMSPKGE$/ABC12345/54608fa1-5b28-4e05-ba25-e9e59cedff5a, Port=80, Protocol=http, SSLOptions=0, Code=0, Text=CCM_E_BAD_HTTP_STATUS_CODE

Raising event:instance of CCM_CcmHttp_Status … HRESULT = "0x8004027e" … StatusCode = 401
Error sending DAV request. HTTP code 401, status ‘Unauthorized’

GetDirectoryList_HTTP(<http_ConfigMgrServer:Port</SMS_DP_SMSPKGE$/ABC12345/54608fa1-5b28-4e05-ba25-e9e59cedff5a’) failed with code 0x80070005.

IIS logs on the Distribution Point

PROPFIND /SMS_DP_SMSPKGE$/ABC12345/54608fa1-5b28-4e05-ba25-e9e59cedff5a – 80 – ip_address SMS+CCM 401 2 5 15


December 10, 2010 - Posted by | ConfigMgr

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